And we had some unexpected help. My cousin Savana, the fastest onion-slinger in the Midwest.

Anyway, first things first, Dad tilled a row in the upper garden yesterday.

Then today, he and Savana threw in the fertilizer and raked it in. Jack cheered on her efforts from the sidelines, before he grew bored and chased a cat with Cloe. Cloe declined to become a farm dog this year.

Once that was done, Dad armed himself with his trusty tomato stake and poked two holes, side by side, all down the row. About three by four inches apart. Well, it started out that way until we still had most of a bag left so, he went back and poked some more holes in between.

Savana and my job was to stick the onion bulbs in. Mom then tucked them into their cold little dirt beds--which didn't help us much when it came time to figure out where to poke in our third row of holes.

Row marked, and we were done. Easy peasy :-)

I'll check back in a couple weeks, and see if we have any greenery showing.
Facts, Figures, and a little Nonsense:
- Onions - 160 yellow onions. $1.59 per bag of 80 bulbs.
- Fertilizer - 6-26-26 or as I call it the "Dippin' Dot lookalike". $15 per 50 lbs, but only about 2 lbs used.
- Time - 15 minutes of good, old fashioned fun :-)
- Concerns - The entire crop freezing solid in the ground :-(
- Signs - Bank of Bloomsdale calendar, the trusty guide to just about everything for gardening and the like, advises the following days for plantings root crops this month: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th (us), 10th, 11th, 12th, 30th, and 31st.
- Miscellaneous pictures:

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