Here is a timeline of the late Christmas present, planted sometime in mid-January. Photos range from Jan 24 to Feb 20, 2010.
Since we are so proud of our baby, how about a few more pictures.
Here's January 24, 2010:
With a close up on the size...
Look how tall she is. 21 inches!
Here is February 6, 2010:
What happened to the rest of January? Well, the baby was a wee bit shy and didn't want to reveal much . . .
. . . until now. See.
Here is February 7, 2010:
And look what a day can do!
Lookit! Siamese Twins!
Here is February 8, 2010:
Hmm, not much change here. Except in camera angles.
Here is February 9, 2010:
That's our little expansionist, that she is. We are so proud.
Here is February 11, 2010:
And look what happens when you miss a day. Shame.
Here is February 12, 2010:
Well, she is no longer a Siamese Twin . . . but a Siamese Trip--Quadr--oh, Siamese Multiple :-)
With a late bloomer.
Here is February 15, 2010:
Ah, they grow up so fast. Sniff. Sniff. ;-(
Here is Today, February 20, 2010:
Wow, where does the time go? But I've heard that if you do a little trimming, well, more like a buzz cut after she begins to droop with old age, she'll be like a . . . young bud again. Yeah!
Until next time, these were the Days of Our Amaryllis's Life... :-)
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